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  • 4 minutes

A clogged router or a complete cache on your browser will cause your internet connection to slow down significantly. Learn how to troubleshoot problems on your own. In an age where work, entertainment, and communication all take place over the internet, having a quick and secure link is more than a privilege — it's also a necessity. Then what do you do if the broadband you're paying for isn't delivering the speeds you've paid for?

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  • 2 minutes

A guest Wi-Fi connection benefits both the connection owner and the people that use it. Guest networking allows people to connect to a connection in moments with very little setup required. They can connect to the internet as well as local network resources such as documents, scanners, and external devices, depending on how the guest network is setup.

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  • 3 minutes

If Wi-Fi speeds confuse you, you are not alone. We will try and help you answer the following queries for you.

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  • 9 minutes

Understanding how to monitor who is on your Wi-Fi connection can help you spot intruders 'trying to capitalise' on your network and using it for free. This unauthorised access can cause your network to slow down, but it also poses a security risk if the Wi-Fi thief can steal your personal information or infect your network with viruses.

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  • 3 minutes

Centralize Router Location:

For increasing coverage area, try to place your wireless router in the middle of your home and enjoy uniform signal strength across all rooms. If you are worried about hanging wires spoiling the aesthetics around your living area, the right solution is not to hide the router away, rather enclose those wires.

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  • 5 minutes

Let's talk about the most common issues that surround your privacy online today now that you know what broadband internet privacy is and how important it is:

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  • 2 minutes

Let's talk about the most common issues that surround your privacy online today now that you know what broadband internet privacy is and how important it is:

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  • 4 minutes

Not sure how to say if your internet connection is quick enough? Here's how to figure out whether you've got the best idea for you. When shopping for the internet or reviewing your current internet service, internet speed is one of the most important factors to consider, second only to price. However, unlike price, where you can easily see the monthly cost, internet speeds are a little more difficult to judge.

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  • 3 minutes

When you play, an optimized network is the key to ensuring that your experience is as smooth as possible. Only so far will you go with hardware if your signal binds you to the outside world and chooses to act. Since electronics can be perfect, there are a million ways that anything can interfere. Network care can be pretty technical, but here are some of the most popular ways to make sure your network is configured for gaming.

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  • 3 minutes

Managed WiFi is an outsourced wireless network that connects tenants, visitors, and customers to the Internet through multiple access points within a building, ensuring property-wide access. It's a cloud-based technology, which means that Internet providers remotely control and troubleshoot a business' WiFi network, eliminating the need for an on-site IT department to do so.

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