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Here's How You Can Keep Your Family Safe in the Online World

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Know More Ensure Safe Live Online Gaming

Online gaming is a rage that has charmed every kid, but it also exposes them to certain internet dangers like bullying and harassment. What you can do is advise your children to not reveal their identities and monitor their gaming activities. You can also use parenting controls offered in the gaming consoles.

Install Parental Control

Though this may seem a bit controlling to your children, but if you make them understand your fears, it might be a great safety step. Use parental control and block the access to websites that may be inappropriate for your children and keep a check on their online presence.

Use Strong Passwords for Your Accounts

An easy password may mean an easy breach of your online accounts and the hard loss of your precious information. Hence, create strong passwords, and by strong, we mean one which has: mixed letters, at least eight characters, numbers and symbols and added security questions. Teach your family members to follow the same protocol.

Look for https:// in the URLs of the Websites When Making Online Transactions

If anyone is a shopaholic in your family, then do read this point. Not many people know but ‘s’ in ‘https’ stands for ‘secure’, and it should appear in every website’s address that deals with online money transaction. You must also ensure the security of your Wi-Fi to avoid any online frauds and loss.

Inform Your Family Members About Internet Security Threats

Just parental control and safe social networking are not enough; your family members need to know about the internet security threats in order to prevent them. For that, you don’t need to be a technocrat but just research and get some basic knowledge about the online dangers.

Keep these things in mind to ensure the online safety of your family members. If you are looking for a great broadband connection in Chennai, then click

here and choose the one that suits the requirements of your family

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