ACT Fibernet offers a bunch of plans with up to Rs 500 cashback offer on Netflix Subscription. It is important to note that the company offers up to Rs 500 cashback offer in different cities, including Delhi, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Eluru, Guntur, Lucknow and more. Here, we are going to be taking a look at the plans that are available in Bengaluru for the ACT Fibernet customers. In Bengaluru, the options include ACT Blace (Rs 50 Netflix cashback), ACT Storm (Rs 50) and ACT Lightning (Rs 100). The list also includes ACT Incredible (Rs 150) and ACT Giga (Rs 500) plans. To begin with, the ACT Blaze plan comes with 100 Mbps speed and 450GB data for a month. Customers also get 1500GB data if they subscribe for 6 months or 12 months of subscription, TelecomTalk reports. The monthly rental of the ACT Blaze plan is Rs 1,059, and you can get Rs 50 cashback on Netflix.
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