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Unlimited Entertainment @ Just Rs. 99: 'Hungama' Ho Jaye...!

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There’s an entire section for Kids shows and cartoons from Shaun the Sheep, to blockbuster movies like Storks, Toy Story etc.

Adaptive Streaming & ACT Fibernet connection to ensure you never have to buffer music or movies ever again

Keep boredom at bay with Hungama Recommendations based on your interests
Mirror/Cast all content to your smart TVs or HD TVs
Resume content from where you had left

Whether it is your small break from work, or while you’re simply waiting in line for the coffee machine, make the most of your time by watching mind-blowing videos, or lose yourself in a heart-touching song. While the Hungama music & play are two different apps, you can download both the apps for an ultimate experience and subscribe to both via ACT fibernet in a single click. exclusively for ACT customers.

ACT Advantage – What do you get?

This is the best part! As an ACT Customer, you can get access to all of their content only for Rs. 99 which otherwise costs Rs. 249 in general. Yes, you read it right!!! That's indeed a whopping 60% discount!!! This means you get:

Single sign-in access to Website, Hungama Music & Hungama Play App
Unlimited Downloads on Hungama Music and Play App
To use your subscription on up to 5 devices
Without wasting any more time, dive into the world of Hungama by clicking here.

If you have still not subscribed to ACT Fibernet yet, what are you waiting for? ACT Fibernet is expanding to more cities very soon. This article is fourth in the series of ACT's unique Value Added Services. To know more about our other Value Added Services, click here.

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