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Trends That Will Shape the Future of Internet Services

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Earth has internet access, but in the upcoming years, you can expect Mars to have internet access as well. Scientists are working to colonise the planet, and the very first people who settle on Mars will need the internet to connect with people back on Earth. The satellites orbiting around Mars will help with the data transmission through the internet. The back and forth of data transmission will take about 24 minutes on one side. Software-Defined - Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN)

SD-WAN is a new concept that will trend in the future on internet services. It has evolved as the computing assets have started to migrate to mobile systems and remote data centres. In earlier times, the concept of firewalls was commonly used to connect private and corporate networks. The SD-WAN permits the usage of different network connections to create private business LAN, including data centres, assets in the cloud, branch offices working as a seamless system. It is possible with continued improvements performed in WAN link bandwidth that allows the resources dispersed geographically to the vast distances having LAN speeds. With the benefits of SD-WAN, the traditional hardware-based approach will get replaced. Virtual and augmented reality

Currently, we get access to the internet using our mobile phones. But in the future, next-gen devices will gain popularity that will be able to create a world making everything possible using augmented reality. We already have the applications that showcase virtual reality using Playstation VR, HTC Vibe, and Oculus Rift. Soon the world will be ready for augmented reality. Full integration of the internet

The internet will not be a place anymore where one can only log in and check social media platforms. Terms such as looking on the internet and going online will no longer exist, but an environment will be available where everyone will always be online.


We are living in an era where we have witnessed the beginning of digitalisation and the interconnection of things. The world has become dependent upon internet access for every task. The need for the internet is increasing continuously leading to the development of technologies providing faster speed and internet availability in remote areas.

In this article, we have discussed the different trends that are going to shape the future of internet services. It has increased the demand for internet service providers too. ACT fibernet is a broadband and Wi-Fi services provider. They have a variety of plans that suit the needs of every individual. They also offer specialised packages that you can choose as per your needs.

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