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Bengaluru is armed with Giga now!

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Giga speeds that are 100 times faster than the traditional speeds and 10 times faster than the fast internet, makes for an ideal choice for many medium and large-sized enterprises who want to implement high-performance network infrastructure.

Some of the key benefits ofGigabit Ethernetare:

Higher bandwidth that the technology offers promises of higher performance and eliminates network bottlenecks.

The technology dramatically improves the system response time by ensuring much faster data transfer speed on the network.

You can have multi-Gigabit speeds with the help of Gigabit switches and server adapters.

You can use the technology to eliminate distorted video and audio transmissions by using features such as Quality of Service (QoS).

The technology is quite economical to acquire and your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is quite low.

Along with being the start-up hub of India, Bengaluru also entails the most number of smartphone users that are gaining a technological edge with affordable latest gadgets being introduced for entertainment & utility purposes. Users are easily getting familiarized with these devices, hence the internet speeds also need to be on par to provide an unbroken experience to them. Thus, ACT Fibernet's Giga speeds aim at ensuring a fast and seamless experience to residents of Bengaluru too.

Wondering how Giga speeds will help us leap into a faster, brighter and a better future - know more here

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