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5 Social Media Platforms Your Business Needs to Be on Right Now!

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Instagram is the youngest and peppiest of all popular social media platforms. This quirky photo-sharing app is perfect to shine the spotlight on retail businesses selling fashion, luxury, and lifestyle goods. Food outlets and travel businesses also get their five minutes of fame here.

With its unique filters, Instagram offers you a great way to attract customers by putting your product's best side forward. The key to giving your business a leg-up on Instagram is quality visual content. Remember that Instagrammers are not there to read but to see, so let your pictures do the talking. YouTube

YouTube is arguably the hottest video-sharing platform today. It is also the second-largest search engine in the world. YouTubers fall in the age range of 25 to 45 years. So, if you belong to the news, entertainment, gaming, or beauty industry and are catering to this target group, then your presence on YouTube is a must.

How do you stand out amidst the clutter? Inform with integrity or entertain with originality.

Remember not to mess with the title, description, and tags of the videos you post as they help your audience get what they are looking for. LinkedIn

LinkedIn wears the suit and tie. It offers you one of the easiest and best ways to strengthen your professional network and attract top talent.

In addition to B2C businesses, it proffers a unique opportunity for B2B businesses to make their presence felt. For business owners, senior executives, and professionals alike, it is an invaluable platform to share knowledge and insights. Thought leaders and influencers thrive on LinkedIn.

The marketplace is a battlefield. Add one or more of these social media platforms in your arsenal, follow the rules of engagement, and lead your business to digital marketing victory.

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