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Submitted by actcorp on
Off The usage information provided to you on the My Account Page of, is accurate to the last kilobyte. This usage is captured and displayed by the world's most advanced equipment from leading vendors and hes been tested and certified by competent authorities. There is no scope for an error. Your usage could be higher for various reasons likeUnknown to you there are many programs which are constantly connecting to the internet and downloading update files. Even Microsoft Windows keeps updating itself periodically. This obviously adds to your download data consumption.If there is a virus on your computer, there may be upload / download activities going on outside your knowledge. We suggest you keep your virus protection updated and regularly scan your computer for viruses. We suggest that you download the AV that we provide to you free of cost. More details are available on the \"My Account\"" page.We also recommend that you periodically change your password with a difficult to guess Set as default Off FAQ sub cat Speed / FUP
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