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Submitted by actcorp on
Off Higher data ratesIncreased capacity - It provides four times more capacity compared to older standards.Improved performance in environments with many connected devices.Improved power efficiency- The WiFi 6 routers can handle up to 12 simultaneous WiFi streams.It can send and receive data from multiple devices at the same time.TWT features help smartphones, and laptops save battery by negotiating the wakeup and sleep time of a device.Beamforming and OFDMA techniqueBSS color codes Faq page para
  • Higher data rates
  • Increased capacity - It provides four times more capacity compared to older standards.
  • Improved performance in environments with many connected devices.
  • Improved power efficiency- The WiFi 6 routers can handle up to 12 simultaneous WiFi streams.
  • It can send and receive data from multiple devices at the same time.
  • TWT features help smartphones, and laptops save battery by negotiating the wakeup and sleep time of a device.
  • Beamforming and OFDMA technique
  • BSS color codes
  • This was helpful
  • This was not helpful
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