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Submitted by actcorp on
Chennai Off To set up a new WiFi connection in Chennai, you'll need to provide the following documents to your WiFi service provider:
1. A passport-sized photo, self-attested.
2. A valid government ID like a Voter ID, Aadhar card, or PAN card.
3. Proof of your current residential address, such as an electricity bill or rental agreement.
Ensure these documents are current and match the details you provide in your application for a hassle-free WiFi setup in Chennai. Broadband and Wifi cat Wifi Plans Faq page para
  • To set up a new WiFi connection in Chennai, you'll need to provide the following documents to your WiFi service provider:
  • 1. A passport-sized photo, self-attested.
  • 2. A valid government ID like a Voter ID, Aadhar card, or PAN card.
  • 3. Proof of your current residential address, such as an electricity bill or rental agreement.
  • Ensure these documents are current and match the details you provide in your application for a hassle-free WiFi setup in Chennai.
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