Broadband service provider ACT Fibernet launched the ACT Stream TV 4K set-top box based on its Android TV last year. It was launched at a price of Rs 4,499. Through this, users can access many OTT platforms on their TVs, such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar, Zee5 etc. The company is also offering additional 100GB data with it, which can be accessed by 31 August 2020. he company has now launched a rental scheme for this set-top box. For this, two types of rental schemes have been launched. In the first, users will have to pay at the rate of Rs 200 per month. However, in the second scheme users will have to pay at the rate of Rs 1,000 per month. To take the monthly rental, users will have to pay a refundable amount of Rs 1,000 separately, which will be returned to the users as soon as the set-top box is returned.
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