In Chennai, the ACT Fibernet is now offering 750GB of data at 50Mbps, in the place of 550GB, at the same cost of Rs.820, and this is the base plan. Coming up to the next, there is the Blaze plan with 1500GB of data offering at 100Mbps speed. It costs Rs.1,020. There is no OTT platform subscription bundled with these two plans, but the next higher plans have that. The next four plans named Blaze Promo, Storm, Lightning, and Incredible those have free the Netflix subscription too. Following the written order, the plans have 2500GB, 3000GB, 3000GB, and 5000GB of data respectively to offer. The Blaze Promo plan costs Rs.1,075 with 150Mbps of speed, and the Storm plan is of Rs.1,125 with 200Mbps speed.
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