Reliance Jio was the only net gainer adding 84.45 lakh subscribers in August, while other telecom operators including Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea were on the losing side, a report by regulator Trai showed on Friday. 'The number of telephone subscribers in India increased from 1,189.28 million at the end of July 2019 to 1,191.81 million at the end of August 2019,' Trai said in telecom subscription report for the month of August 2019. 'Top five service providers constituted 98.96 per cent market share of the total broadband subscribers at the end of August 2019. These service providers were Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd (34.82 crore), Bharti Airtel (12.67 crore), Vodafone Idea (11.11 crore), BSNL (2.15 crore) and Atria Convergence (14.7 lakh),' the report said.
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