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Broadband Keeps Disconnecting? Here are some tips for you

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What can you do about the frequent internet disconnections?
Fix Modem Software Issues

Software issues in the modem could be one of the major causes of inconsistent internet connection. If you keep the modem and router running for a long time, turning them off for some time, and then turning them back on should restore the consistency of the connection. Update your Router’s Firmware

Make sure that your router firmware is up to date. Timely updates of the router can solve most of the connectivity related issues. The same applies to the firmware of the extender if you are using one to expand the range of the network. Turn on auto-updates for all the networking devices in your home. Replace Outdated or Broken Cables

Another issue that leads to drops in the internet connection could be with respect to the cabling. If you have some old cables connected from the modem to the router, try replacing them and check if the connection becomes stable. Internal damage in the cable cannot be identified through physical inspection. Check for PC Hardware Troubles

If your problem is not solved even after replacing the cable, the issue could be the network adapter on your computer. Identify this problem by checking whether you face such stability issues on all the devices connected to the network or only on one particular computer or laptop. If the issue is observed in only one device, then you must check the network adapter of the device. In such cases, updating the network card with the latest firmware would solve the issue. Switch to Lesser Crowded Wireless Network

Too much interference could be another issue. If you are opting for a lower bandwidth, then having too many devices simultaneously connected to the network might lead to occasional drops in the connection. This happens particularly when one or more devices are streaming content. In such cases, try choosing a different plan that works for your usage. Also, try checking the consistency of the connection once you have turned off possibly interfering wireless devices. Extend the Range of the Router

Check whether the drops are because you are close to the edge of the coverage area of your router. Even with the most efficient routers, you might notice connection issues when you go close to the maximum range.

An internet that keeps dropping can be particularly frustrating when you are working from home. With the above-mentioned ways, you can get rid of the problem. But if the issue persists, don’t struggle with a sluggish internet connection. Get in touch with the technical support team of your internet service provider, and make the most of your broadband connection.

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